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New simulation product becomes the next tool in raising awareness of FGM

Clinisim's FGM CareAware product being displayed alongside the DANi manikin at the ASPiH Conference in Edinburgh

A new product, designed to help medical professionals detect and diagnose Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) has been launched today at the ASPiH Medical Simulation Conference in Edinburgh.

FGM Care Aware, manufactured by CliniSim, a brand of Simulaids Ltd, has been developed with a leading British Medical School to aid training and raise awareness of a practice which affects over 200 million people worldwide. Our government estimates around 60,000 girls under 15 in the UK are at risk.

FGM is the practice of ‘cutting’ the female genitalia for non-medical purposes. It is usually carried out among children from birth up to age 15, and it is practiced in 30 countries, mainly in Africa, and can lead to infection, long term medical complications and severe pain.

There are around 3 million cases globally each year, and according to the BBC around 6,000 of those could be in Britain. Under UK Law “Health and social care professionals have a mandatory duty to report known cases of FGM in under 18-year-olds to the police”, however medical professionals have spoken of a lack of awareness in some areas.

FGM Care Aware is a lifelike reproduction of the female pubic area, available in several models representing the World Health Organisation’s different classifications of FGM. Whereas education has so far relied on class teaching with diagrams and pictures, this product offers a far more realistic training model. It is available on its own or can be fitted to the DANi full body manikin for added realism.

Ryan Young, Managing Director of Simulaids, said:

“Female Genital Mutilation is a hidden problem which affects millions around the world, and many thousands in the UK. When we heard about the lack of suitable equipment to help identification, we wanted to do whatever we could to help medical staff detect, diagnose and treat it. Safeguarding against FGM is everyone’s business and we sincerely hope that this new product will play a role in helping to raise awareness of this global issue.”

To find out more about FGM, or for resources to help someone affected by it, see the National FGM Centre website.

For more information about CliniSim’s FGM Care Aware product, contact Simulaids on 01530 512425 or at info@simulaids.co.uk.

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