The trainer operates from a wireless remote that has a simple turn-and-select method of choosing the sounds you wish to emulate and at what rate. The sounds are delivered to 10 lung and one heart speaker locations that can be auscultated with any stethoscope. This limits the special equipment that your students need and reduces costs. The trainer also has available a speaker jack through which you may broadcast the sounds being generated, so that the entire class can hear the same sounds. This makes it possible to utilize the trainer as a testing device for the entire class at once. The unit comes with a power cord, user reference, and carry case. No assembly of manikin or installation of programming is required. Includes power cord, user reference and carry case. One-year warranty.
Lung Sounds
- Asthma
- Bronchial
- Coarse crackles
- Fine crackles
- Normal breath sounds
- Pneumonia, lobar
- Tracheal
- Wheeze
- Insp. crackles, early
- Stridor
Heart Sounds
- Atrial septal defect
- Congenital aortic stenosis
- Normal pediatric heart sounds
- Patent ductus arteriosis
- Ventricular septal defect
- S4.11
Voice Sounds
- Cough
- Crying
- Gasp
- Gurgling
- Sneeze 1
- Wheeze