Deluxe Child CRiSis Manikin with ECG Simulator
Deluxe Child CRiSis Manikin features the same quality components as the Complete Child CRiSis Manikin
Simulating a 5-year-old child, the manikin provides complete PALS training capabilities, it combines all of the skill stations on one manikin. Making training more realistic and giving students an appreciation for the smaller scale of the patient.
This arrhythmia/pacing simulator recreates 17 adult heart rhythms and 17 paediatric rhythms. With an external pacer, you can simulate electronic capture. You can also simulate cardioversion with manual, semiautomatic, or automatic defibrillation.
This is anatomically correct in detail. Realistic anatomy and landmarks include a mouth, tongue, oral pharynx, epiglottis, arytenoids, vocal cords, trachea, and oesophagus. In addition to the palpable and visual landmarks, the head, neck, and jaw are fully articulated, allowing a realistic jaw thrust feature.
This manikin has separate left and right lungs for auscultation. Oral, nasal, and digital intubation capabilities include an inflatable stomach bladder to indicate oesophageal intubation. Also features E.T., E.O.A., P.T.L., L.M.A., E.G.T.A., Combitube®, and King System insertion.