AED Trainer with Brad CPR Manikin
Prepare students for emergency situations with the Lifeform Universal AED Trainer. Simply push a button to set the sequence of events that will help students learn the appropriate steps to follow in both shock and no shock situations.
The instructor can select from four training scenarios for manual and hands-free training.
Provides both audio and written prompts in English
Cables for training pads plug into the rear of the unit
Volume adjustment
Large LCD display for written prompts
Comes with reusable pads and electrode sets
Low battery indication
Powered by a 9V battery
Brad CPR Manikin:
This economical CPR manikin is constructed of soft, realistic vinyl plastic over polyurethane foam for a human feel.
Features include:
Longer torso for realistic abdominal thrusts
Realistic head tilt and chin lift for opening airway
Manipulate easily to realistically simulate airway obstruction or choking situations
User-friendly lung/airway design that eliminates cleaning